30 April 2007


past few nights, i couldn't sleep.
i forced ryan to talk to me.

B.O wei i cannot sleep. talk to me leh.
Ryan huh? talk what? i wanna sleep okay.
B.O jior, don't like that lah. please..
Ryan *silence*
B.O fine fine. you go dream of your Fann Wong lah.
Ryan yarh, dreaming already.
B.O grrrrr. i am gonna go dream of someone else too. Jackie Chan perhaps. or Jet Li.
Ryan *silence*
B.O Bruce Lee? ahhhh i know! Ashton Kutcher!! or erm...
Ryan Neil Armstrong.
B.O Neil Armstrong who?.............. oh HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA wtf you so random!
Ryan *zzzzzzz*


26 April 2007


change is subtle
you don't notice it
until you've done a lot of it.

change is difference
it measures your ability
to handle life
it measures you.

change is inevitable
there is no way you can avoid it
you cannot remove it.

change is never precise
it can form its own paths
and it can forge your future.

change is chance
a risk
a game of pitch and toss
either you lose, or you win.

25 April 2007

NZN ice-cream *slurps*

*dreamy and sleepy mode ON*

am currently craving for ice-creams.
not the ordinary Wall's or Magnolia's ice-cream.
not the plain ol' McDonald's sundae.
i am craving for New Zealand Natural's ice-cream!
it's sad that i cannot get them anywhere around Mont' Kiara.
they only have Lecka Lecka here -_-"

to satisfy my sexual ice-cream appetite, i visited their website.

their website is pretty pretty pretty. no?
the ice-creams looked so real i got aroused.
ice-creams, smoothies, chillos, shakes..ahh so many things.
okay, enough i'm going overboard.

someone please buy me the gift vouchers.
i'm uber broke.
don't bother buying me Baskin Robbins, Lecka Lecka or whatever.
it won't ease my desperation.
i only want New Zealand Natural's :(

24 April 2007


one of my friend thinks that if one gets attached too early or at a young age, he/she might miss out alot in life. what say you?


23 April 2007

come back soon!

biatchjulz.blogspot.com is under constructions.
check back soon.

17 April 2007

i want uPapa.

some backdated pictures.

tammy's birthday dinner at 1U's Italiannies last two fridays.
note to tammy : sorry for not posting up the pictures of the drinking session at my place. it's too stupid to show to people -_-"

and last two saturdays, Speedzone Tour 2007 @ KL Tower.

that place was so hot and stuffy i can steam char siew paos. but i guess everything was worth it for the sake of...

nicely sipping on Budweiser.

hails from Japannnnn!


also managed to capture some pictures of lousy..

and some smokin' hot chiqs...
nolah. was just kidding.

note to calv : sorry if you can't find your picture here. i don't have them with me now. will send them over to you soon :D

13 April 2007

evelynholic and little lulu.

tagged by the person above *points to the top*
this is one super early morning tag.
urm, not very early lah actually. 10am already -_-"

[x] I know how to make a pot of coffee.
[x] I keep track of dates using a calender.
[x] I own more than one credit card.
[ ] I know how to change the oil in a car.
[x] I know how to do my own laundry.
[ ] I vote every election.
[x] I can cook for myself
[ ] I think politics are exciting.
[ ] I balance my checkbook.
[x] My parents have better things to say than my friends.

Total: 6

[ ] I show up for school/college/work every day early.
[ ] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse.
[ ] I’ve never gotten a detention.
[x] I have never gotten completely trashed.
[ ] I have forgotten my own birthday at least once.
[x] I like to take walks by myself.
[x] I’ve watched talk shows.
[x] I know what ‘credibility’ means without looking it up.
[x]I drink coffee at least once a week.

Total: 5

[x] I know how to do the dishes.
[x] I can count to 10 in another language.
[x] When I say I’m going to do something I do it.
[x] My parents trust me.
[ ] I can mow the lawn.
[x] I can make adults laugh without being stupid.
[ ] I remember to water the plants.
[x] I study when I have to.
[ ] I pay attention at school/college.
[x] I remember to feed my pets.

Total: 7

[x] I can spell ‘experience’ without looking it up
[ ] I work out on a regular basis.
[x] I clean up my own mess.
[ ] The people at Starbucks know me by name.
[ ] My favorite kind of food is takeout.
[ ] I have gained weight since middle/high school.
[ ] The first thing I do when I wake up is get caffeine.
[x] I can go to the store without getting something I don’t need.
[x] I understand political jokes the first time they are said.
[x] I can type quickly.

Total: 5

[x] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour.
[ ] My only friends are from my place of employment.
[ ] I have been to a Tupperware party.
[x] I have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[x] I have more bills than I can pay.
[ ] All my friends are older than I am.
[x] I can say no to staying out all night.
[x] I use the internet every day.
[x] My wardrobe hasn’t changed in a while.
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it.

Total: 7

My total is : 30

Actual age is : 21


i'm not tagging anyone.
cos this tag is so cruel.
at least to me.

and yeah, i have something to show.

my favourite cartoon during my kindie years.
little lulu :D

10 April 2007

meanie meanie.

Calv : What's your chinese name ar? YL??? Tell me..
B.O : Sucky lah my chinese name.
Calv : Tell me..
B.O : My full name is Julie Teh Yen Lu.
Calv : Yen Lu...So niceee..Yen Luuuuuuu.
B.O : NICCEEEE!!!!??
Calv : Can I call you Lulu?
B.O : Call lah..Dah biasa dah.
Calv : I have a friend nick name Lulu too. She's small size and pretty...and petite.
B.O : Ohh..all Lulus are pretty and petite what..and cute too..
Calv : Holy............
Calv : Self-praise is no praise.
B.O : .....fine.
Calv : Angry already ar? Don't lah angry...*sayang*

Biatch 1 - Calv 0
nyahahaha :D

*B.O stands for Beautiful One. Not Body Odour lah.

09 April 2007

earl grey ice-cream.

gazillion thanks to Thomas for tagging =/
no, i don't actually mean it.

Layer One:On The Outside
Name : Julie TYL
Birth Date : 11th August
Current status : As BROKE as Thomas
Eye Colour : Don't exactly know. Dark brown?
Hair Colour : Brown I supposed
Righty or Lefty : Rightyy

Layer Two :On The Inside
Your Heritage : A chinese who can't read or write chinese to save her life
Your Fears : Losing the people around me (yah, standard line never change) and..clowns
Your Weakness : I can't do numbers
Your Perfect Pizza : Strictly beef-less

Layer Three :Yesterday, Today , Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up : I thought I was just about to fall asleep!?
Your Bedtime : Between 1 - 2 AM
Your Most Missed Memory : None

Layer Four : Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Light Coke
McDonald's or Burger King : McDonald's
Single or Group Dates : Single for me, please
Adidas or Nike : Adidas
Tea or Nestea : Neither
Chocolate or Vanilla : I'm a Chocoholic
Cappucino or Coffee : Coffee anytime

Layer Five : Do You..
Smoke : Yeah
Curse: Wtf? Who doesn't?
Take a shower : zOMG. I don't
Have a crush : Sad case. I don't have a crush
Think you've been in love: Yeah man, Thomas. What kinda question is this?
Go to school : Not anymore. Thank God!
Want to get married : Of course! I don't wanna be a spinster. NOOOOOOO!
Believe in yourself : Most of the time, yes
Think you're a health freak : Not even close

Layer Six : In The Past Month
Drank alcohol : Yeaps
Gone to the mall : Yeaps Yeaps
Been on stage : Nowpe
Eaten sushi : Nowpe Nowpe
Dyed your hair : Nowpe Nowpe Nowpe

Layer Seven : Have You Ever..
Played A Stripping Game : Yeah. Long long time ago during early secondary school days. Cheh, not interesting cause nothing to see what. Everyone's looked so small back then
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : Never

Layer Eight : Age
You're Hoping To Be Married : twenty five *shy*

Layer Nine : In a Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour : Purple
Best Hair Colour : Pink
Short Hair or Long Hair : Dunno la wtf

Layer Ten : What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago : Can't recall
1 Hour Ago : Sipping on coffee
4.5 Hours Ago : Sleeping
1 Month Ago : Working?
1 Year Ago: Grieving over the fact that I had to go for the cheebye internship

Layer Eleven : Finish The Sentence
I Love : My bed
I Feel : Sleepy
I Hate : Whoever who gets more sleep than me
I Hide : Eyebags
I Need : ...Sleep

Layer Twelve : Tag five people..

Jo Teh

random picks lah aiyo.