03 October 2005

somebody, please shoot me.

i had just received the most fuckup class schedule ever!!

monday : 11am - 5pm
tuesday : 9am - 6pm (?!?!?!?!?!)
wednesday : 9am - 3pm
thursday : off
friday : 9am - 6pm (?!?!?!?!?!?!)

HELLOOOOOOOO! WHA---T ARE WE? ROBOTS? WE ARE ONLY HUMAN!!! C'MON!! WE KNOW IT'S OUR FINAL TERM! THERE IS NO NEED TO SLAP US WITH THIS KINDA FUCKING SCHEDULE! *sigh..some say that i should be happy for there is an off day on thursday for us since we didn't have any off days for the past few terms..but nopee, i'm not happy about the off day! having an off day means going home late on the 4 remaining days! fuckshiiiittt....and driving home between 5 - 6pm is another huge prob!..damn damn damn. gonna party on the road together with the rest of the other cars..cheers. no, i think i should start making good use of the public transportations available........HAHAHHAHA. neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.