nothing else matters.
"I need a sharper nose."
"I think I will go and get my boobies enlarged."
"Give me Einstein's brain."
"I'm dying for a pair of long legs."
I want a better health.
[EDIT] 2.23pm
alright, i think i need to clarify something. i only want a better health. those i have quoted are what other people might want. and no, mr. thomas yap. i don't need to reincarnate, YET.
i think u need to re-incarnate...
o_O ur boobs not big meh? ish...liposuckurhead!...crazy. u'r skinny enough!
u want better health? quit smoking :P
HAHAHHAHA i only want a better health lah! those i quote is what other people might want. geez!
okay, i think i have just created the biggest miscommunication ever.
lol...oppsie :P
but smoke less, do good for u and the environment = )
erm, VERY LESS already. serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
yeah , I could tell they are other people's wants by the quotation marks.
but why bring it up ? what's your take on it ? hmmm ..
kaka true true health is the most important think. I am just recovering from Flu :(
oh, great. because referring to a few comments above. they couldn't tell that those are other people's wants =/
nah, i was trying to say that what most people might want is not what i want most?
the artist,
yeah, that's right. i am sick like most of the time. which suck. you get well soon hokay!
shen tei ging hong!!
health and the loves of the people around you.......
other than right...
"nothing else matters"
is that a song too??
gong hei fatt choi wtf :P you too shen tei ging hong okay. don't go to papaya farms no more!
yeah. you're right. so you, stop smoking already. LOL.
"nothing else matters"? errrr, yeah it's from my all time favourite Metallica! but i never really thought of Metallica when i typed the header though. hehe. thanks for reminding.
write better lor next time :P
hahaha :P pai seh ah..
you need nip n tuck... without all the drama tho..
there seem to be a stereotype against people who do cosmetic surgery...
my thoughts - fuck u lah.. i have money to make myself look good, eat yr heart out fuckers!
LOL LOL. good one! i agree with the stereotyping issue. but why would i need nip and tuck lah? errrrr, i said i want better health only leh..
everyone was thinking that i wanna get cosmetic surgery. people can't tell from the way i write.. =/
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