no more V's day. woohoo.
6 more minutes before it marks the end of valentine's day. weeeee! *evil grin* so i did spent my valentine's day with my bunch of friends. it was not so bad afterall. we had dinner is L'escoffier @ taylor's college. bwahahaha! got valentine's mood, theme and environment one o-kay ;p i received roses, candies, chocolates, cookies and not forgetting BALLOONS! rachel gave each of us a balloon and so we decorated the classroom. suddenly our class looked like a funfair. heh. after marketing class, we head over to midvalley for lunch. we tried keeping the balloons in the car when KC got a little pissed with the balloons blocking his rear mirror while he's driving. we bloody wind down the window, and let all the balloons free. it contains helium gas by the way. imagine 7 idiots in 2 cars releasing balloons in between LDP and Federal highway. haha. if you happen to spot the balloons or the 7 idiots, yeah it's us ;p i bought 2 bijis of balloons as well for FQ and Jie cause they were being so kind to become ryan's delivery men today. only TODAY. haha.
after dinner, i rushed over to kelana jaya to look for any bakery shop. i got ryan a mini valentine's cake and left it in the refrigerator. i have yet to get him a valentine's pressie, so i thought it would be nice for me to do something to make him feel like it's V's day today. haha. nah. i only hope my little cake will make his day after a hard and long day at work preparing meal after meals for those 'too-much-of-money-to-spend-that's-why-we-chose-to-go-to-Cilantro' couples. bwahhaha. i sense some jealousy over here ;p
that's it for valentine's. till next year...
we were asked to form a group of 6 in management class today and we were given 30 minutes to build a castle using whatever materials that we can find inside class. this class activity was supposed to test us on the co-operation among the group members and some sort of stuff like that. my group (rachel, virgo, vinnie, cylee, KC + me) actually uses only full scap papers and 2 pieces of colour papers. this is what we came up with...
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